Take control of your health!
Rob Daneels
Health consultant – Tervuren
Who can I help?
In my case, “helping” means guiding, supporting, and giving advice (see “how“). Most of the work, however, is up to you. Your health can only improve sustainably if you’re willing to dedicate time, attention, and energy to it. This way, we all use our time and money most efficiently.
In what situation?
For chronic complaints: Many people experience “aging ailments,” often starting as early as age 40 or 50. Often, doctors don’t find a clear cause or treatable condition. Many people then think, “It’s just age, nothing can be done.” Experience shows otherwise, there’s often quite a lot that can be done.
For sudden complaints without a clear cause: When doctors don’t find anything, it’s still often possible to discover patterns that can provide the key to an approach, enabling significant improvement.
For concerns or fear of contracting (infectious) diseases: There’s a lot you can do to strengthen your basic health (your “immune system”) and greatly increase your chances of staying healthy, or not getting seriously ill if you do catch something.
This brings us to prevention!
“Prevention is better than cure,” as they say. You’re very welcome if you:
WARNING: I am not a doctor.
To learn more about each person’s role in caring for (your) health, read “Triangle.“
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