Gezond en wel

Take control of your health!

Rob Daneels
Health consultant – Tervuren

Whatever your health condition may be, you can almost always improve it. You are welcome to receive professional advice and support.

Rob Daneels

  • Informs through lectures
  • Provides individual support and guidance
  • Offers tailored advice

Who am I?

Throughout my adult life, I’ve been intrigued by the question: why does one person get sick while another stays perfectly healthy? What makes the difference? Is it related to your mindset – “positive thinking,” feeling connected to others, having a purpose in life (“the meaning of life”)? And what is or isn’t scientifically supported?

Epidemics like the annual seasonal flu, the 1918 Spanish flu, or Covid-19, clearly show that a person’s overall health plays a crucial role in how the illness progresses. Are there natural ways to strengthen our immune system? There are more than I originally suspected; many environmental and lifestyle factors influence it.

After reading extensively (magazines, books, scientific articles…), I decided in 2017 to start a four-year course in “integrative healthcare.” This brought me a richer-than-expected palette of knowledge and insight. In the meantime, I’ve passed the entrance exam for the Professional Association of Health Guides.

Before this, I had also deeply studied “non-violent communication” (see I naturally apply this approach when supporting and guiding people. I’m also a certified “Aware Parenting instructor” (see, where young children and their parents are approached with an understanding of their basic needs and emotions, especially in cases of sleep, behavior, or crying problems. This experience helps me stay extra alert to the emotional background of certain issues.

Lately, I’ve become very intrigued by the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner and others. I’m struck by the breadth and sharpness of their insights. They are gradually becoming part of my worldview: who are we as humans, what is the purpose of our existence, what is good and evil…

My personal strengths as a health consultant, aside from the methods used, are:

  • Seeing life as a whole
  • Connecting the dots
  • Clear thinking
  • Empathetic listening
  • Precision
  • Belief in what I do.
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WARNING: I am not a doctor.
To learn more about each person’s role in caring for (your) health, read “Triangle.

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