Gezond en wel

Take control of your health!

Rob Daneels
Health consultant – Tervuren

What do I do?


Health is a matter of balance. Our bodies naturally have a great deal of wisdom and strength to continually restore that balance. For example, we might experience an infection and be feverish for a few hours or days, and then return to feeling great. Or we might heal from a scrape: a scab forms, and once the skin is sufficiently healed, it falls off naturally.

However, sometimes our bodies lose that balance for an extended period. This can manifest in a variety of symptoms: recurring (mild) illnesses, acid reflux, arthritis, gout, muscle pain, persistent fatigue, high cholesterol, high or low blood pressure… just to name a few.

Disruptive Factors

My assistance does not focus on the symptoms themselves, that is the domain of a doctor.

Instead, I help you uncover the underlying causes. Once you understand these, you can strengthen your overall health and more easily regain your balance. This is often a process of exploration that takes time.

  • We explore which factors are disrupting your balance and weakening your health. We take the time for this (see below). These factors vary greatly from person to person. What is your personal life situation?
  • Various factors can play a role: physical (nutrition, previous illnesses or treatments…), emotional (stress, fear, grief…), environmental factors such as air pollution, electromagnetic radiation…
  • We examine when symptoms started or worsened: this can provide clues about what threw you off balance.
  • We reflect on how you currently live: diet, exercise, living situation, family and social life, work or other activities…
  • It’s helpful to take some time to reflect on this yourself, and if you wish, write something down about it.

Together, we will look at what you can change to restore that balance.
You can read more about the methods I use ‘here’.

WARNING: I am not a doctor.
To learn more about each person’s role in caring for (your) health, read “Triangle.

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